
Working Ahead Of Need: Inspiration From Storybook Woods

Photo courtesy of Clarice @ Storybook Woods.

Our good friend, Clarice (hi Clarice !) ...

over at Storybook Woods

has a very Inspirational

post titled...

Frugal Things I Love .

I HIGHLY recommend it to you all...

(and, no, not just because she said something nice about me in it, but that was nice too ;-) !

In it Clarice offers a host of charmingly useful ideas and...

a bevy of thoughts on how to work ahead of need...

preserving nature's summer bounty to enjoy later.

She provides some fantastic links for...

making your own...

Homemade Oil Lamps...

Simple tricks for dehydrating fresh produce (I loved her pantry trick)...

Easy ways to Grow Your Own Sprouts in a Canning Jar...

and many, many more.

I must say that I was inspired to action after my visit ...

and I hope you will be too!