
The Year We Had No Money For Christmas

I found this inspiring little story over at TIP HERO

(another favorite resource for frugal ideas).

Please click the link below to read...

The Year We Had No Money For Christmas


Do you have a story...

or two...

about ways your family handled (or handles)

Christmas and the Holidays

during a very lean year?

We would be honored and
blessed if you would

share them with us.


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Autumn's First Festival...

Labor Day
"In all labor there is profit..."

The noblest thing in the world is wise and honest labor. Labor is the powerful magician that brings order out of chaos, transforms barren deserts into thriving cities, and produces works of genius from all fields of endeavor, be it the creation of grand architecture, powerful prose, tilled and cultivated soil, a clean cottage, or a home-cooked meal.

In ancient times all, including the wealthy, labored in their own kitchens and fields. In the Bible, Abraham and his wife Sarah are early examples of the dignity found in toil. And during the infancy of the United States, George and Martha Washington, although they were quite well off financially, set fine examples for industry and frugality.

There is a dignity in all honest labor that makes it beautiful and mighty. And if we remember that all true luxuries and achievements are the result of labor, we understand that nothing great can ever be accomplished without it. Thus, the first Monday in the month of September (In the United States and Canada) has been established as a special day on which to remember and honor this worthy quality, and those souls (past, present and future) who exemplify it.

Take from Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons by Tracey McBride.
Published by Bantam Books, NY, NY, 2000.


FYI: We originally posted this on the third of but it didn't show up until just now!


Random Acts of Kindness: The best kind of frugal luxury @ Saver Queen

This morning...

while thoroughly enjoying my second cup of Trader Joe's Italian roast coffee...

I took a browse through some of my favorite reads in Bloglandia

and came across Saver Queen's goose-bump evoking post...

about a mini-miracle (pun intended ;) found in a random act of kindness.

She starts by observing that...

"Living on a frugal budget means looking beyond material possessions in order to find fulfillment, inspiration and joy. The frugal life requires more attention to “natural highs” that come from natural beauty and the many joyous experiences found in simple moments.

It has also made me pause with gratitude to think of the random acts of kindness I’ve been a recipient of. There have been a few spectacular ones, but only one that really had a major impact on my life...."

Click the link BELOW to finish reading this charming, heartwarming story...